Saturday, 2 January 2010

Meet AfroCarib Ambassador "Michelle Hlongwane"

She is going to be "An Ambassador" for the Afro in Diaspora Center "AfroCarib Ambassador" representing Afro Women here in Ireland @ various place. Angela Silva and Anusha Somadoo the Chief Host for The Little Kingdom where she won has a Princess. Michelle Hlongwane 16 years old and lived with Parent: Susan Bradley-0894597725 Hobby: She like dancing as she used to dance ballroom and Latin, Michelle like singing (that's screaming across the room as well :D), Michelle is very energetic and love being with people. I'd say laughing is my other hobby as well hahaha!!!! Meet AfroCarib Ambassador "Michelle Hlongwane" & The Chief Host of "Afro Fashion Show Ireland" Susuana Olatunji-Komolafe

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